Ah boredom.. I hate boredom.. nothing to do with lots of free time. Sometimes staring into space.. day dreaming.. so right now I'm writing this to beat boredom.
This is a list of things I do when I'm bored.
1) Watch movies- I practically re-watched all of my dvds a few times. So I sometimes watch movies online. Mostly horror movies, seen so many that I can't find anymore! It all started when I was young I was scared of things- dark, ghosts and etc so I decided to watch horror movies. Now I'm grown out of it I still watch them alot.I recommend- Ring, Grudge, Alone, Cello, Body sob 19, Sick nurses.
2) Playing games- Angry birds is one of my favorite. Its very addictive I sometimes spend ages trying to complete a level. Diner dash is also a addictive game I play when I am bored.
I've been playing Let 4 dead. A zombie game- I love shooting games and it kills things. Shooting is a great way of releasing stress.
3) Watch tv- Mostly American sitcoms that I've seen thousands of times- CSI, CSI NY, Desperate housewives, Big bang theory, How I met your mother, Family guy, Simpsons. Sometimes I watch the same episode 3 times a day -.-
I'm going crazy over boredom... |
4) Annoy your siblings- Don't over do sometimes they will get mad and beat you up!
5) Window shopping online- Sometimes I spend time searching for things online that I won't buy or can't afford- Louis Vuitton.. lol
6) Reading random things online- some weird stories and interesting articles there are online.
7) Watching random clips or Mvs on youtube, I get most of my pranking ideas from watching pranks on youtube lol.
8) If I'm REALLY bored- housework... or clearing out things I don't need.
9) Talking a walk to the park or window shopping.
10) Make jewelries- I take broken jewelries and make them into a new necklace or earrings, I haven't done this for awhile so maybe I'll start doing so.